California, despite being a one-party state, is actively debating SB50 that could over-ride local zoning laws and allow construction of apartment buildings, especially near transit areas. This is almost a impressive outbreak of sanity. In the divided government, you can keep touting slogans. But when one party gets control, apparently permanently, they actually have to actually govern, and some fact must sink in eventually.

Housing in California is ridiculously expensive. After California attempted the rest — “affordable housing” mandates on developers, subsidies, rent settings, public housing, and so forth — it is finally facing the fact — we have to just let people build. The problem is local zoning laws, building laws and different impeding regulations, that are pretty much made to preserve expensive museums of 1950s suburbia enormously.

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So SB50 overrides local laws and regulations. The final end result, though is saddled by a trip through the progressive sausage factory. I would recommend Joe DiStephano’s evaluation with beautiful maps. The first stop was rather smart: cover it in green. California. So the original work, SB25, restricted your time and effort to areas near transit. Who can object to allowing apartments near transit, so people can escape their cars? Moreover, with this twist, SB25 place the kibosh on one standard local technique for restricting structure, requirements for many onsite parking.

The transit clause extends to “high quality bus corridors.” Now in one sense that’s great. Apart from nostalgia and cuteness, and outside places like New York City, buses are far better transit options. But one of the primary reasons buses are excellent is that it is much simpler to move a bus series than to go a rail range.

You can be on the “high quality bus corridor” tomorrow. Allowing visitors to live nearer where they work is preferable to any “transit” idea. That too is a little unusual though. If individuals were permitted to build housing, careers would quickly locate there. Casing first redevelopment is not hard a concept too. Alas, the bus and jobs exemption only waive density and parking, and invite cities to keep height limits and other zoning restrictions. That they will do. It descends into madness Then, and an invitation to endless litigation.

California will write a rules allowing the construction of apartment structures, and transformation of homes to multifamily systems, yet will specifically exempt the areas most obviously in need of redevelopment. A long time ago governments granted subsidies and tax breaks for redeveloping such places. Minorities and poor people will instead be condemned to live in rotten housing and rotten neighborhoods. Heaven forbid a few apartments get built near transit stops, some yuppies move in, grocery stores and coffee shops grow to serve them, and the rest of the neighborhood.

Joe’s maps inform the story. Where in LA will California allow apartments? Not in the places that require redevelopment! As its local governments are specialized in maintaining museums of suburbia, the state is specialized in preserving museums of poverty, racial segregation, and lack of businesses and services. To become fair, the state law only over rides local zoning laws.